I got an Award

Well, I got Fabolous Award from Cherish. I'm soo happy to got it. Relee thanks to you.
And here's the award

This fabulous award comes with a few rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are fabulous.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

And now I nominate the following fabulous blogs:
The Seeker

Thats it. I don't know wanna pass this award to whom. maybe I'll pass it later. :)


did u see an amazing ring eclipse about 1 hour ago?
I saw it and it was rele rele wonderful. I saw full ring of this eclipse. I'm sure I'll never forget it.

But, I'm so sad cause I couldn't take some picture of the eclipse. I have to wait about 7 years to watch this eclipse again.

IT's a long time, right??
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5 Responses
  1. Demi Says:

    thank you :)
    congrats on the award honey!


  2. Seeker Says:

    OMG sweetie, thank you so much for the award, and the words in your comment in my blog.

    Yes, an eclipse is something unforgivable...

    Oh and I felt really interested about the bath, I never had heard about, so curious :)

    Take care darling and thank you again


  3. No Name Says:

    hi hi makasi awardnya! akan segera dibagikan ke temen temen yang lain. thanks! :D

  4. cherie Says:

    you're lucky to see the eclipse!

    re your last post: some of us from the Phils. do take a bath the way you did, especially in the province.

  5. Cate Says:

    Hey Vii,

    Thanks so much for the award!! You really deserved it --- I think your blog is fabulous --- and I feel very honoured that you like my blog!!

    Oh, I think we weren't able to see the eclipse here in Germany... What a pity! I saw a total eclipse once, when I was about six years old. I remember wew ere in the Czech Republic and our whole family drove to some friends' house to another village because from there you could see it better.

    Seven years is a very long time, you're right... I don't know where I'll be in seven years.